Thursday, July 10, 2008

Poem "How Crazy Are Those Who Love You So Much" By Kishwar Naheed

With words of chastity he adorned my hands,

chained my feet like prisoners,

and called it modesty.

How sweet and pleasant it sounds,

like a diamond,

like the gleam of a knife!

He says: What more can you ask for?

Walls of marble, clean and shining

to keep you safe. The gold lock and chain

on big, solid black mahogany doors

at least show that it's all for you,

for your security, for your love.

How lovingly and hopefully built,

this home full of ideals and dreams!

It's been tested with screams,

making sure that if a sound

dare penetrate some crevice

it will turn to foam, exhausted,

and nothing will get through.

Tenderly, for you, for your love

this home, this throne, these marble walls.

All for you, my dear,

all because I love you!

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